Of Soil: Autumn Leaf Harvest Sunday is quickly approaching. And what a Sunday this promises to be - a harvest meal on the lawn with apple pressing, jumping castle and the street blocked off to help us celebrate.
But leading up to Harvest Sunday, 26 Sept, I am visiting the food gardeners of our congregation and discovering an array of interesting and productive gardens. First stop was Kristy Daley's garden. Beans, carrots, a whole bed of strawberries and quite a bit more.
As we visited, Kristy shared with me how easily a garden can get away from us with our busy schedules, so that we don't harvest what is possible. How true that is! A garden is easy to plant once the beds are in place. But it takes disciplined daily tending to lovingly help the garden reach its' potential, something we gardeners know all too well.
Of Soul: How true that is for the "gardening" of our souls too. Just like a planted garden itself, regular watering, weeding, thinning, pruning and pest control in our lives is necessary for us to harvest the fruits of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control - and experience the fullness of faithful living.
The daily readings (a link at the top of this page) have proven so helpful to me as a beginning point for cultivating the "garden" of my soul. I call up the Jerusalem Cross Garden blog on my iTouch while still in bed each morning, link to the Daily Readings, and am always inspired. Above all, this habit has become a discipline that, connecting me with God, reminds me in all things to put God first, beginning with each new day. There is a surety about such a practice that is beginning to yield its' harvest. It helps me do the daily weeding, watering, pruning, thinning and regular fertilizing required to live a loving, Christian life.
Check back here regularly for photos of other members' gardens and while visiting, do some fertilizing. "Click" in to God.
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