Daily Reading.......................Sunday Reading
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In simple humility, let our gardener, God, landscape you with the Word, making a salvation-garden of your life. (James 1: 21. The Message)
There couldn't be a more appropriate scripture for describing the intent of having the Jerusalem Cross Garden in our church grounds.
God is the gardener of our souls. God landscapes our hearts and lives as we daily, weekly, engage the Word. And in this regular touching of, and being touched by, the living Word, we find ourselves changed by Gods' love, wanting our lives more and more to be the salvation-garden from which an abundance of Godly goodness is shared with others.
So acts of devotion and acts of worship spill over into acts of compassion and justice - the four Christian acts symbolized by the four little crosses in the Jerusalem Cross - and God's will is done in our lives causing the world to tremble.
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Risen to Re-establish Eden
Lectionary Reading.................Daily Reading
The Jeru
salem Cross Gardening blog has been silent for months now. Winter has taken its' toll! The soil of the garden has long lain dormant. No green inspiration has been there to inspire fresh entries, even though the "gardens" of ou
r souls were regularly tended in our small groups by the Master Gardener, who, John reminds us again this Easter, appears as risen Lord (John 21) to restore the souls of men and women, and the soil of a re-established Eden.
And so Easter has arrived once more. High holy day that it is, again
the Easter banners were hung in the place of honor in the sanctuary. "Alleluia," "He is Risen
!" The Christ candle burns liturgically again, sign that the risen Lord lives within our hearts to shape "one, holy, catholic and apostolic church" (Nicene Creed).
With Easter has come Spring, in glorious synchronicity. The light and song of new life does a two-step across our surrounding landscape with the warmth an
d life of the risen Savior.
Now the planting begins! Soon Spring wheat, seeded in the Cross of Compassion, having experienced a Good Friday-type death, will reach for the sun, green shoots en route to yielding a rich harvest of amber grain. Over the Great 50 Days we will watch each of the 80 seeds - dropped in the offering plate during Lent as a sign of our commitment to die that we might blossom - grow, and measure in our lives Gods' gift of Easter in the resurrection-living it affects.
Are we selflessly and joyously reaching upwards for the Son, en route outwards to yield an abundant harvest for God? The promise of the Kingdom inspires. Eden awaits.
The Jeru
And so Easter has arrived once more. High holy day that it is, again
the Easter banners were hung in the place of honor in the sanctuary. "Alleluia," "He is Risen
With Easter has come Spring, in glorious synchronicity. The light and song of new life does a two-step across our surrounding landscape with the warmth an
Now the planting begins! Soon Spring wheat, seeded in the Cross of Compassion, having experienced a Good Friday-type death, will reach for the sun, green shoots en route to yielding a rich harvest of amber grain. Over the Great 50 Days we will watch each of the 80 seeds - dropped in the offering plate during Lent as a sign of our commitment to die that we might blossom - grow, and measure in our lives Gods' gift of Easter in the resurrection-living it affects.
Are we selflessly and joyously reaching upwards for the Son, en route outwards to yield an abundant harvest for God? The promise of the Kingdom inspires. Eden awaits.
Friday, January 28, 2011
A Video Vision of Ministry at Leavenworth UMC
Lectionary Reading..................................Daily Reading
Late last year we had surprise visitors to our church. A filming crew from the Conference office arrived to capture on video what God might be doing amongst us United Methodists here in our beautiful valley.
Listen http://vimeo.com/pnwumc and guage for yourselves if the preacher got it right.
Late last year we had surprise visitors to our church. A filming crew from the Conference office arrived to capture on video what God might be doing amongst us United Methodists here in our beautiful valley.
Listen http://vimeo.com/pnwumc and guage for yourselves if the preacher got it right.
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