Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Moonscape into Eden

Daily Reading.......................Sunday Reading
(please click one)

The Word, ever creating and recreating, had something to say about a barren, empty lot beside the Community Presbyterian Church in Wilbur, Washington recently.

Jerusalem Cross

I'll transform her dead ground into Eden,
her moonscape into the garden of God,
a place filled with exuberance and laughter,
thankful voices and melodic songs.
                                        - Isaiah 51:3, The Message

And so it has begun!

As winter approaches, a raised bed, in the shape of a Jerusalem Cross, is being installed. Come next Spring there will be a Jerusalem-Cross-gardening "of soil" in this place. And we pray the harvest will be plentiful.

Jerusalem Cross Garden at Leavenworth
But before next Spring arrives, through the remainder of Fall and all through Winter,  a different kind of Jerusalem-Cross-gardening will take place - Jerusalem-Cross-gardening "of soul." This means that weekly we will engage the Word in small groups. And we will share how we have witnessed to Jesus Christ in the world by engaging in acts of devotion, worship, compassion and justice (symbolized by the four little crosses in the Jerusalem Cross) under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Together, through our sharing of our stories, we'll mutually encourage each other in this adventure of faith.
Watching over each other in Christian love, God will bring about the harvest of change that will freshen our lives and inspire our living.

Monday's first meeting was a promising start. It feels good to be back in regular "Christian conversation" and making new Christian friends.