Spring has arrived in the Pacific Northwest, and our annual Seedtime Sunday blessing of the Jerusalem Cross garden, consolidates this Easter time of resurrection by launching us into the planting season.
Gathering in the garden after worship on Seedtime Sunday we prayed a prayer of planting - At this time, dear Lord, we plant these seeds and seedlings that You have given us. Bless them, and watch over them, and bring them to the full growth and rich harvest that You wish to bless us with. Amen.
Already the four little crosses have been planted with four varieties of perennial herbs to remind us how acts of devotion, worship, compassion and justice flavor our lives. The winter wheat, planted in the fall, has already sprouted in one of the quadrants. Maybe it will provide enough wheat for one loaf of communion bread on our Autumn Leaf Harvest Sunday. Into the composted soil, increasingly alive with earthworms after four growing seasons, once the snows have disappeared from Wedge Mountain, we'll companion plant various seeds and seedlings. And Jerusalem Cross Gardening will have begun again...with the promise of good food...for body and soul.
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