Some of these magnificent creatures will fall to hook and line as anglers like myself find satisfaction in sport and flesh. But survivors, paired up with their mates, will dig, lay, defend and live again in the next generation.
Liturgically, kingdomtide is drawing to a close with the approach of advent. Good Friday and Easter are still far off in the annual rehearsal of the story of Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection. Yet this kingdomtide-crucidance of life-giving death taking place in our rivers, reminds us that God's kingdom comes not through crown but cross, not on war horse but humble ass, not through power but in servanthood. It is good to splash the refreshing waters of such thoughts onto our often indifferent faces.
And I ponder a fish emulsion of the entrails of salmon caught this season with which to fertilize the herbs and vegetables in the Jerusalem Cross church garden? So will the "crucidance" of the salmon in the waters of the Wenatchee be poured out onto the soil of garden that a greening cross might turn us towards Him alone who is the perfecter of our faith. And in the holy gardening of our souls, 'the gates of God's kingdom" will "open in us" (Click to hear).
Pastor Roger: I read your blogs with great interest because they create so much value to our every day living. You makes us think about our relationship with God, making this relationship more real and valued. Thanks so much for your contributions to our little church in Leavenworth. You are very much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteThanks "capitalguru." We musts go fishin' sometime.