Looked at from any angle it's a poor excuse for a tree! But this is no ordinary dead Christmas tree standing in the middle of the Jerusalem Cross Garden. Soon it won't be a tree at all, but the Aldersgate Staff. And it will hang proudly on the CommonGround Gallery wall until Pentecost as a reminder that we are a people called into an active and empowered service. Where will it lead us this year as a congregation in service of God?
Already some exciting ideas are being shared. A visit to the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Depot in Salt lake City to help assemble disaster relief packages is one of them. Starting a regular meal for those of our valley struggling to make ends meet during these difficult economic times is another.
One thing we should not do is rush our decision. Rather we should "wait on the Lord," seeking God's direction and each others council as we choose a project. On Pentecost Sunday perhaps we will be ready. As the post-Aldersgate John Wesley, empowered by the witness of the Holy Spirit, did mighty things for God and helped change peoples lives by establishing the Methodist movement, perhaps we too as seeds in God's soil can be instruments to "make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world."
Such is Jerusalem Cross gardening - "of soil and soul." Being reminded of the importance of the four acts of devotion, worship, compassion and justice. And the Aldersgate Staff, made from each year's sanctuary Christmas tree, can remind us annually that we are a pilgrim people who are called to "go," but who work best when the Holy Spirit is our guide.
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