This year's sanctuary Christmas tree, standing sentinel-like in the middle of the JCGarden as it changes with the seasons, helps link science with faith. The Jerusalem Cross Garden "orders" our daily lives in the ways of God - acts of devotion, acts of worsh
Yesterday the Christmas tree was removed as we prepared the JCGarden for planting. The tree had its' branches lopped of, preparing it for its' transformation into the Aldersgate Staff. Seeds will now be planted in the fertile soil of the Jerusalem Cross during this Spring season. There they will die and bring forth much, even as this Easter season of the Savior's story celebrates the truth that dying we too might live. And the Christmas tree, now transforming into the Aldersgate Staff, helping us to enact our faith story in its' metamorphosis, awaits to lead us into the rest of The Story - of entering the darknesses of the world where many are trapped in perpetual winter, to proclaim the Christmas truth (Advent/Christmas), "Behold, your Light has come," by living resurrection (Easter) lives pentecostally (Pentecost) empowered.
And best of all, soon the JCGarden will see the shoots of young plants break the surface of the soil...even as the green shoots of our faith, watered by the "Christian conversation" found through lectionary group participation, grow into the sunlight and warmth of God's love.

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