Autumn Leaf Fe
Which is what we do! We will gather on the Sunday for our annual Autumn Leaf Harvest Sunday. Thanks will be given to God the Creator for the gift of a good earth which gives us all we need to live healthy lives.
In preparation I have been on a "pilgrimage" to members' gardens this year. And I have witnessed how many green thumbs there are amongst us. Dawn Darling's garden featured some of the tallest and largest sunflowers I have ever seen. There is nothing quite so celebratory and bright as the radiance of a sunflower on a sunny day. Which reminds me of the transformation worked in us by Christ Jesus as we grow in Him, something Jerusalem Cross Gardening of soul is all about. Through a disciplined turning to grace, we can become that "light on a hill," no longer "hidden under a bushel," that points to a festival and purposeful life because it is grounded and rooted in Him who is the Light of the world.
Come join us this year at the sixth annual Autumn Leaf Harvest Sunday. Bring produce from your garden as your own thanksgiving offering to decorate the church.
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