Weekly Readings...............................Daily Reading
As Leavenworth celebrated autumn leaves and the changing of the seasons, we Christians did that too, only so much more!
The occasion for our church celebration was the harvest. One of our members, Lori Boscow, was particularly spectacular in hers, harvesting not only vegetables and fruit and eggs, but vibrant color, daily encounters with feathered partners in food production, and, perhaps, regular moments of awe at the miracle of life unfolding at her fingertips ...behind which moves a Creator, manifest in human history as Savior, who is rooting for each one of us.
The large photo of her salad greens is amazing. She could single-handedly have fed the town, never mind every member of the church. Click on the thumbnail photos for the rest of the picture - a real celebration of the abundance of creation that can exist right in our own backyards.
As Leavenworth celebrated autumn leaves and the changing of the seasons, we Christians did that too, only so much more! At church on Sunday we gathered for the "more!" Not only did we celebrate the harvest and the good creation providing it. We sang how "all good things around us are sent from heaven above, so thank the Lord, O thank the Lord, for all is love." And somehow as we see the harvest of "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self control" emerging in peoples lives because of the joy of Christian discipline, the hymn articulates so much more than just the wonderful harvest we get from our gardens and the orchards of our valley.
The "more" of God truly is something to celebrate. And celebrate we did with a meal, jumping castle, apple pressing and plenty of thanksgiving.
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