Having the Jerusalem Cross laid out as a garden on church grounds, inlaid into the floor of our sanctuary, and on a kingdomtide banner on one side of the altar, means nothing if it is not imprinted upon
Which is why we at CUMC are trying to live by the General Rule of Discipleship, long neglected by the people called Methodist: "To witness to Jesus Christ in the world and to follow His teachings through acts of compassion, justice, wor
Living by this General Rule of Discipleship requires discipline - something that is good to do with others, a weekly commitment to being discipled by both the Word and friends in Christ, and, in turn, to helping disciple others. And small groups are where this happens. We have three Lectionary Groups meeting at the moment. But what other small groups are waiting to form? As we hire a youth director, what shape should a youth small group take?
Community United Methodist Sacred Space (prayers and journal entries can be offered here)
Learn more about the Way of Christ (methods of prayer and take a spiritual types test)
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