There have been discoveries and rediscoveries on this mission trip to Utah. The Episcopal Church Center where we have been staying has a labyrinth (see photo) in its' grounds and for some this has been an opportunity to experience a new form of prayer, for others a time to rediscover it.
In the photo Jane Wray and Susan Wells walk the labyrinth, journeying inward into the heart of God where inspired insight often leads to change, then journeying back out into the world, there to live life as one better able to walk with God - loved, set free, called. -- by Roger
The labyrinth is a very special and individual experience, different for each of us. My experience walking the labyrinth has been rich and invitation to be present with my Lord. It's a time to be in special dialog, a time of deep silence, and a time to listen for the whisper of God's Words and Love.The journey inward invites me to "let go" and simply "be" as the outer path offers a blessing and sense of renewal. -- by Sue Wells
Our days here have b
Today our team of eight from CUMC, along with 15 from Memphis, Tenn., filled seven pallets with school supply kits. Each pallet holds 28 boxes, each box holds 12 kits. Combined with yesterday's effort, we have added 11 pallets of school kits to the shelves of the UMCOR West depot! These kits replace a portion of the 15,000 school kits shipped from the Depot this week to the children of Gaza. -- by Jane Wray
Community United Methodist Sacred Space (prayers and journal entries can be offered here)
Learn more about the Way of Christ (methods of prayer and take a spiritual types test)
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