Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A new method for gardening of soil

Of Soil: The Blessing of Seeds and Gardens Sunday has come and gone over the weekend of Maifest here in Leavenworth. Seeds and seedlings were blessed... and the planting begun. Lettuce, spinach and cabbage seedlings were transplanted into the first bed that has been gridded out into square feet. So a new "method," the Square Foot Gardening method, is being explored, reducing our "gardening of soil" into bite-sized units so that the whole, step by step, methodically, might be more productive.

Of Soul: It's interesting to note the very real growth occurring in those participating in one of three weekly Lectionary Groups. Not only have participants chosen to live disciplined lives by engaging regularly in one of the acts represented by one of the small crosses in the Jerusalem cross - devotion - but in feeding weekly on God's Word and in Christian conversation exploring what God might be saying through that Word for that week, slowly, methodically, step by step, souls are being fed and lives shaped.

And the church as a consequence is stronger. Leadership is being exercised. And the Aldersgate Staff is leading us this year to Hope House and the Salt Lake City UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) Depot to serve.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pentecost Looms and a Staff Waits to Guide Us

In slow progression, in step with the liturgical seasons - Christmas, epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost - THE STORY unfolds for another year to help shape our hearts and common life.

And we enact this story in multiple ways. A tree decorated our celebration of Emmanuel, God with us, Him who was and is the Light of the World. That same tree on epiphany moved out of the confines of the sanctuary into the Jerusalem Cross Garden, visible to the neighborhood, sign that the Light comes to shine a way in the darkness. Sited at the center of the Cross (click on photo, left, to enlarge), it reminded us that through regular practice of the four acts - devotion, worship, compassion and justice - God uses our light, Christ living in us, to draw all people to Him.

Now the Aldersgate Staff, made from the 09/10 Christmas tree, hangs on the CommonGround Gallery wall waiting to inspire us to step our way into a year of mission and service. Where will the same Holy Spirit that inspired John Wesley on Wednesday, May 22, 1738, in that chapel on Aldersgate Street, London, lead us this year?

We'll wait for Pentecost to prayerfully make our choice. Perhaps the Holy Spirit will decide? Kingdomtide awaits, a season of summertime adventure in service to God and Gods' kingdom.

In Christ there is no East or West but One Great Annual Conference

An e-mail from Rev. Tom Carlson, from the West side of the Cascades, and two photos say it all... Jerusalem Cross Gardening takes root in the "soil and soul" of the people called Methodist, East and West.

Roger, We are doing the Jerusalem Cross Garden again this year. The congregation wanted to do it! Note the new crosses for each quadrant. Thanks for the inspiration. I am forwarding 3 pictures taken on Sunday at the "Blessing Ceremony" - Tom Carlson, Kennydale UMC, Renton.

Thanks for sharing Tom. This Sunday is Maifest in Leavenworth, when we have our Blessing of Seeds and Gardens Sunday. We will be adopting the Square Foot Gardening (click here to find out more) method in the Jerusalem Cross Garden as a way of encouraging more people to have productive food gardens at home. Could this be the "method" for gardening the soil, just as our Lectionary Groups are the "method" for gardening our souls? Just how "methodist" can we helpfully become? Please stay tuned for photos and articles...and thank you for your encouragement.