Of Soil: The Blessing of Seeds and Gardens Sunday has come and gone over the weekend of Maifest here in Leavenworth. Seeds and seedlings were blessed... and
the planting begun. Lettuce, spinach and cabbage seedlings were transplanted into the first bed that has been gridded out into square feet. So a new "method," the Square Foot Gardening method, is being explored, reducing our "gardening of soil" into bite-sized units so that the whole, step by step, methodically, might be more productive.
Of Soul: It's interesting to note the very real growth occurring in those participating in one of three weekly Lectionary Groups. Not only have participants chosen to live disciplined lives by engaging regularly in one of the acts represented by one of the small crosses in the Jerusalem cross - devotion - but in feeding weekly on God's Word and in Christian conversation exploring what God might be saying through that Word for that week, slowly, methodically, step by step, souls are being fed and lives shaped.
And the church as a consequence is stronger. Leadership is being exercised. And the Aldersgate Staff is leading us this year to Hope House and the Salt Lake City UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) Depot to serve.
Of Soul: It's interesting to note the very real growth occurring in those participating in one of three weekly Lectionary Groups. Not only have participants chosen to live disciplined lives by engaging regularly in one of the acts represented by one of the small crosses in the Jerusalem cross - devotion - but in feeding weekly on God's Word and in Christian conversation exploring what God might be saying through that Word for that week, slowly, methodically, step by step, souls are being fed and lives shaped.
And the church as a consequence is stronger. Leadership is being exercised. And the Aldersgate Staff is leading us this year to Hope House and the Salt Lake City UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) Depot to serve.