In slow progression, in step with the liturgical seasons - Christmas, epiphany, Lent, Easter, P

entecost - THE STORY unfolds for another year to help shape our hearts and common life.
And we enact this story in multiple ways. A
tree decorated our celebration of Emmanuel, God with us, Him who was and is the Light of the World. That same tree on epiphany
out of the confines of the sanctuary into the Jerusalem Cross Garden, visible to the neighborhood, sign that the Light comes to shine a way in the darkness. Sited at the center of the Cross
(click on photo, left, to enlarge), it reminded us that through regular practice of the four acts - devotion, worship, compassion and justice - God uses our light, Christ living in us, to draw all people to Him.
Now the
Aldersgate Staff, made from the 09/1

0 Christmas tree, hangs on the CommonGround Gallery wall waiting to inspire us to step our way into a year of mission and service. Where will the same Holy Spirit that inspired John Wesley on Wednesday, May 22, 1738, in that chapel on
Aldersgate Street, London, lead
us this year?
We'll wait for Pentecost to prayerfully make our choice. Perhaps the Holy Spirit will decide? Kingdomtide awaits, a season of summertime adventure in service to God and Gods' kingdom.
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